December 30, 2010

Post Christmas Wrap Up

Lillee and Bax both got after Christmas haircuts! She made the decision to chop it off? Whatever she thinks is going to be easiest for us both! It looks so cute but makes her look so grown up! Thankfully the tiny bangs are beginning to blend into the side hair! I think she wanted to look like new American Girl doll, Kit.
This one reluctantly got a cut as well even though he said he wanted it to grow to his shoes. I guess Lillee should have been the one to pose next to Kit, not him?
So the dog is in the house. Temps are not even that cold but Scott is gearing up for a treacherous winter and trying to train him to be inside. Hound dogs smell! and shed small white hairs! and poop like horses! Now he has a crate in Scott's office so he stays down there. Kids sure do heart him a whole lot!
Lillee got a pottery wheel from my parents. This is artsy Scott taking these pics! We've made one bowl and gotten it painted so far!
Between Duke and Santa presents, this one's been keeping himself busy even if it is behind the sofa!
Christmas Eve we had "Happy Birthday, Jesus" party complete with Stouffer's chicken enchiladas and lasagnas! Many bird mouths were ready for this yummy treat.

These two BFFs were so happy to exchange gifts!

HAPPY 2011!

December 23, 2010

Doe a Deer

I'm not sure how I got these two in matching sweaters - thank you Smith/Ballard family! I thought they were so cute with the little Christmas deers - even with black jeans! Off we go to a cookie decorating. These three are party animals.

December 22, 2010

Tis the Season

Had to add a couple of pics of our gingerbread houses. We had a fun time with great friends and the queen of crafts making these. Martha herself couldn't have done a better job (or made a bigger mess) than us. Don't look too closely as their is hot glue on the house on the right!

Baby it's cold outside!
These pics are for my mom. She gets us a nativity each year. We did not put all of them out this year for tiny hands are always busy! We had to remind him these are not Star Wars figures fighting. It was a very sweet moment as we heard him talking to the baby Jesus and tending his flock of sheep.

We braved Lenox Mall with Amy, Libby and Margaret.
Who knew the Pink Pig would take 1 1/2 hours? No thanks.
Instead, we stood in line a mere 20 mins to see Santa. These Griffin kids wanted to know where his big black plastic belt was! Ben was still not having it so I had to get in to hold.
We did some shopping. I guess with 100 people in the store they decided to slash prices. Again, long long line!
Bax and Libby found a few items.
Lillee took a snooze before we moved on to the Apple Store! Merry Christmas daddy!
Came home and did a little baking! Thank you Dollar Tree for the cutting boards.
They forgot a couple of things they needed to tell Santa.
This was another Santa we crashed an orthodontic office party to visit.
Little Debbie Christmas trees! Ben's favorite.
Griffin Christmas parade. Lillee was in it for her Impact Cheerleading. It was about 30 degrees with HIGH winds.
But these two braved it!
So did these two! What a JOYfilled season.