September 29, 2011

No Words

Spalding High School Homecoming Parade
I cannot muster up the words to type to explain my absence. We have not been really busy, just normal stuff. I did go to Birmingham to an awesome conference through Lifeway. There was an advertisement on the back of the Homelife magazine about six months ago and I knew I wanted to go. I'd never visited Birmingham before plus an added bonus: Angie Smith was speaking. She is so phenomenal. She is real, has seen loss and rejoices in her glorious faith. Her first book I Will Carry You was great and told the story of her daughter who died shortly after she was born. She just released a new book, What Women Fear and while I have not finished reading it completely her session was very raw and open. Amazing. We had a fun time in a new city. I had a little catch in my back - Yowsers - but the ride there and back was fine. We even went for a little run Saturday morning. We also managed to get in some shopping at The Summit! Our diet was a little compromised you could say. I don't think that one tuna fish sandwich, salt and vinegar chips, a strawberry/pomegranate bar, TCBY yogurt, a diet Mountain Dew and a bag of white cheddar popcorn would be the ideal meals for being gone for 36 hours. Seriously, that could be what put me over the edge.

When I say put me over the edge I mean my back is OVER THE EDGE!!! Sunday afternoon while walking home from Pressley's birthday party I felt a little catch in my back, shooting down my leg and into my foot where electrical currents were pulsing into the bottom of my foot. UGH. I wanted to lie down in the neighbor's grass. Monday morning when I was unable to stand at the counter to pack my children's lunches I called my sweet friend to come help. If you know me, I do not ask for help often. She immediately came and we got into a great group of doctors Monday morning in McDonough. Three pinched nerves later I have been in the bed since then. Actually, I've been up and down and trying to prove that I'm going to get better but this sciatic or whatever it is is life altering and paralyzing. I will forever have a different view on others that suffer this type of pain. This is Thursday and I'm feeling a little better. However, I am still crippled after standing for a period of time or walking. It's something I've never before experienced. I need to make a list because I have pleaded with God and promised him things if I can just be out of the pain. My devotion book, Jesus Calling said that in my weakness I am able to focus more on Him. I am weak and I am asking and praying diligently for his powerful healing. Please join with me.

September 9, 2011

Scott's 20 year reunion

Scott's 20 year class reunion was a couple of weeks ago. A trip down memory lane as we reminisced about meeting at his 10 year! Has it really been 10 years? This is when fancy bloggers could somehow pull up/scan a pic of us from the 10 yr. I'll try to figure that one out!
We had a fun time. There may be a few details I won't share but in all it was great. This is my new friend, Sloan. I enjoyed hearing her stories of Scott in high school. She was the professional iPhone photographer!

Stansberry pics 8/11

Sweet sister Cindy took our pics at the end of August. We possibly should've waited til mid December as much as we were sweating. Thank goodness the heat didn't bother the kids. They were troopers. Scott wheeled in just as she was snapping the last shot so he jumped in the last pic. Obviously, Ben was DONE.

Lillee's Baptism 8-28-11

This past summer Lillee Grace began talking to us about being baptized. We started asking her questions and mentioned talking with our pastor at church. There was an announcement that our church would be having a baptism at the Flynt River. I knew that if our family was going I'd better mention to Lillee before getting down there. When I told her about the opportunity she immediately said that she wanted to do it. Baxter told her that he'd never want to do that in his lifetime. Her response was, "Baxter, you're going to have to do this sometime in your life if you want to show people that you're a Christian and you have Jesus in your heart." I knew after that sweet statement to her brother that she was indeed mature enough and ready to make this commitment.
I called our pastor to talk with him about seeing Lillee the week before. He gave us the option of Scott doing the baptism. Wow - talk about tears at 10 a.m. for me. Scott immediately said yes as long as Lillee wanted him to. She was equally as excited about him doing this.
It was such a unique and touching experience. Seeing our firstborn and only daughter being baptized by her father and brother in Christ was absolutely amazing.
We were so fortunate that my parents were here that weekend. Many of our dear friends were there to share with us in such a special time. I can't wait to see the video. I ended up putting my camera down because our sweet friends were there capturing the moment. I was trying to keep it together and take it all in. So very, very moving.
I found these two verses she wrote recently.
Love the Lord your God with all you heart and all your soul and all your strinlth.
Dutromidy 6:5

There for if any one is in crist he is a new cration the old has gone the new has come.
2 creathlins 5:17