February 25, 2007

Is this the last birthday for a while?

I'm still working on figuring out the whole blog thing and the way the pictures are sorted. However, I could not let these pictures slip through to Walgreen's without giving them their due time on the web. It has just been such a busy week that now I have to post twice to get everything in. These pics are from Thursday night, Sandra's birthday. It is a tradition we have started to go to J.Henry's for birthday affairs. I can't take many more. What seems to start out as a fun evening with a few appetizers and always ends in the $8 chocolate cake ended a little differently this time. Farrah, Sandra and I did get to ride home in the back of Senator Crider's SUV. I know he was thrilled to come pick us up. What a fun group of friends to share your utmost and personal details with. And when I say personal, let's just say that Sandra's pantry has seen a lot! We ended the evening at casa de Long singing Material Girl on the karaoke machine! Let's just say that I probably didn't have the hardest time on Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya'll looke like a group of sisters in the postparty pics! ya'll really do all have some marked similarities, very cute

Also, just wanted to agree, how very fortunate that you had a senator's wife present, so that said senator could responsibly pick you up!