April 13, 2007

Death and Taxes

Tax week:( Very sad time around the Key home. Actually, it was a really sad time when the figures came back. Well, guess who went to the accountant ALONE??? Yep - and told them, "Oh, it's fine - nothing has really changed this past year." When he called with the final count, I said, "Um, did you mention I gave birth last year?" Nice. He couldn't get off the phone with me fast enough. I just sat waiting for the phone to ring again. 2 1/2 mins. later the phone rang with him asking if we could PAY someone or send off to the pediatrician's office for Baxter's SS#. I said, "Get a pen, *#!%*."

Death is something Lillee Grace has just discovered this week. Hereafter referred to as "sleeping." Please link to Sarah's blog for full coverage. I don't know how the caterpillar ever stood a chance with a 2 and 3-year old with yard tools in hand. Meanwhile, an ear-infected Baxter played underneath the trailer to haul yard debris. Baxter started off the week with a continuous fever. After another $20 co-pay but a chance to see our Dr.'s new coiffe, we determined he had an ear infection in both ears. We were just at the Dr. last Fri. for shots. Next time someone in our home needs a vaccination, we're calling a home health nurse. Eckerd was glad to see us come through the drive-through with Rx out the wa-zoo. We knew he was on the road to recovery however, when he pulled LG's Dirt Devil vacuum from the playroom, through the kitchen to the den last night at 9 p.m. He's a little trooper. Come on Bax, it's CRCT next week - no time for sickness.

Comments on the previous blog have been very interesting! I had wanted to make dooce.com status and by George, I think I'm there! Donna, just keep posting two or three times so I'll think I've got a fan club!! Reading the friendly banter is funny - now I have to watch my material so I don't get kicked out the Southern Baptist Convention.


Amy and Matt Certain said...

Poor Little Baxter! He sounds so independent....very proud of that.
I'm sorry his little ears are infected...hope he gets well soon.
Love the Tax Man! Matt & I spent our tax refund in Canada, money well spent and it's like it didn't count. Very fun.

I am really looking forward to going home to SSI this weekend. Leaving soon to get in the Lexi and head on down South. NO Blade, I will not be stopping in Macon at Starbucks. And no, you can't ride with me so stop asking!

I'll be sure to give a shout out to Sterling Road or whereever the fam lives!

Wish you were going to be down there this weekend. I will be on the lookout for any and all things and people Griffin on Sea Island don't worry.

Love you Princess!

Unknown said...

I got us kicked out of the Southern Baptist Convention a long time ago. Blog away.

vikibozeman said...

Hehehe. Love this.
Oh my gosh. A myspace for adults.
Anyway, thanks for the emotional support today and for the giggles...hope you weekend is great. I luv you.