Mr. Wes(left) wanted his picture taken for his debut on the blog. It's hard to think of a time when something major has happened in our life that we have not called Mr. Wes. When we met the Long family they essentially took us under their wing and showed us the ropes of Griffin. Thankfully, they were on the right side of the tracks and ropes. He usually manages to help guide us in strange situations, mainly the fix I'm in at this point in time at the Methodist Church. So, Mr. Wes, you must comment now to be an official blogger! This man is witty, funny, but most of all, smart and rico sueve! Scott continues to be a "WIT" - Wes In Training! However, he still wants to fix his own supper before ours, doesn't offer guests a drink and sometimes still tries to wear that green shirt he wore when we were dating. Posing with Mr. Wes is Don. Blog readers may know him as Farrah's husband. Take a look because we are all most certain thi sface will be on a republican bumper sticker at some point in our lifetime.

Saturday night in downtown Griffin. A fun time was had by all. Great music and our table won for overall best rectangle table because of the awesome centerpiece of chicken dip we were sporting!

Angie and Carl - our dates for Sat. night. The counselor in Angie wanted to tell us how Scott is a cross between a peaceful pragmatic and perfect melancholy. Even though I have no official counseling expertise, I can tell you those are big words for tuning out the world around you and not being able to recognize dirt in the floor. We had a great time with them and their South Beach Diet Bars!

We got along pretty well considering he smelled like an arthur de fuente store. Ick. After keeping the kids all weekend while he prepared for his big murder trial that I've had to hear about for the past month, I needed a night out on the town. Baxter had to go to the doctor, has an ear infection, LG painted glitter paint all over the new non-IKEA table and I was totally unprepared for company Sat. afternoon.
Who was the company Saturday afternoon? I am trying to remember but can't seem to figure out who showed up?? Was it the plumber?
Ok, so Mr. Wes looks just as I expected. Very nice, all-American and able to do all things that Blade is not capable of. Good for Ms. Sandra for having the sense to marry well!
Just kidding Blade, I do love you too and am very thankful for having both of you in my life. Tuesday night is going to be so much fun.
I went to the Doctor today, and they took all of the dressings off the leg - very scary. But I have to tell you, I am so thankful to God for giving me the wise Doctors, giving them the ability to work on my leg and completely align my severely broken leg so well that in just three months I'll be like a new person. I am so thankful for that.
I urge everyone to always be thankful for their health and never, ever, ever sit on the bow of the boat.
You just never know.
Oh, and wear helmets whenever possible.
I will be on these crutches for three more months, and I am wearing a soft cast but still have to keep it elevated. So, please keep that in mind for next week.
At last, I could find your post once again. You have few [url=http://tipswift.com]useful tips[/url] for my school project. This time, I won't forget to bookmark it. :)
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