August 6, 2008

To Elaborate on Pre-K

I posted the Pre-K pics this a.m. at 6 a.m. Now I'll go back and give a recap. Sunday night we went to bed early around 8 or so. 5:30 footsteps came down the hallway, geared up for school, dress in hand. We got dressed and I left early. Scott brought her and there were thankfully no tears. My morning dropping her off was definitely overshadowed with thoughts of getting to my room full of 2nd graders. However, if I were Scott I would have cried in a yummy Starbucks when leaving the school. Scott did comment that her going to school made Baxter seem like such a baby and it has been decided will be in 1st grade at the Methodist Church!
LG had a great day. She did take a nap. Her favorite part was lunch and recess. Of course, that's what all kids say!
Moving to Monday night. Such a tiring day....everyone was in the bed pretty early.
1:00 a.m. here she comes down the hallway. I made her get in bed with us.
1:30 a.m. sits straigt up in bed and asks me to cut her on a movie before she leaves for school
2:00 a.m. Scott goes to get in her bed
2:30 a.m. sits up in bed and asks me to make her oatmeal before going to school
2:45 a.m. she gets back in her bed with Scott
3:00 a.m. Scott goes downstairs ------ followed by.... you know who
3:15 a.m. I go down to get her. She's in bed with me now.
4:00 a.m. sits up in bed and asks if it's time to go to school
5:00 a.m. til 7:00 a.m. two blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep full of drool and snoring.
7:01 a.m. alarm clock
7:30 a.m. both LG and I both at school. not firing on all six cylinders.

It's so funny to see her so excited. She is adjusting but she's just exhausted. Sunday afternoon we chose 5 outfits for her to wear and we decided which one would be Mon, Tues, etc. Someone ask her at school today if she liked it. She said she did but she only had two more outfits hanging up and then she didn't have to go to school again. Sheer exhaustion.

1 comment:

Amy and Matt Certain said...

makes me want to cry that lgk is getting so big. she really is a sweet spirited little lady. you've done a great job with her. and bax. :)

love you all.