January 13, 2013

Basketball Minus One Front Tooth

Baxter has put away the bat in exchange for a basketball. The Methodist church has an outstanding IMPACT winter youth league complete with non-partisan cheerleaders, fan mail, coaching, and a positive atmosphere. The final scores are inching their way toward double digits. Bax scored some goals and got some rebounds. And he been having a blast. Check out these shots from yesterday's game.

An eventful week with the second Saturday of competition. This capped off a week, the highlight of which was a visit from the tooth fairy. Inflation has touch the economics of teethery. The market rate for a tooth these days is $5, up from a shiny quarter back in mom's day 
Shootin the rock is serious business but not so serious that Bax can't pause to mug for the camera.

The kids get better every week. But they are still challenged on how to work the ball inside. The referee also serves as a surrogate coach. Note that the ref is sporting some shorts in this unseasonably warm weather.


Halftime peptalk 
All are willing to step up.

Bax sits with friend Evan as he gets mentally prepared for his game.