June 27, 2007


Yes, it's officially been a month since the last post. The reason for the absenteeism (sp.?) is of course, Scott's fault. He has not shown me how to post pics. He lost the cord for the camera hookup. He redeemed with the new cord but now it will not allow the downloading of pics. Hence, I don't like to type sans pics.

For those of you still reading, we've sold and bought a new house. The first house we looked at and we're truly excited. I have been packing for a week. This will probably be my last post for a month since bellsouth.net I'm sure will not be cooperative in transit. However, I know that Scott cannot sleep without the broadband connection so I can always hook-up to his. He can probably even post pics.

Both kids are taking the moving/packing process pretty well. I have not packed toys as they are forbidden to be in those boxes LG says. Baxter actually enjoys crawling on them. I tried to explain to him my chigger situation. Yes, I believe I contracted chiggers from the boxes. I've pinpointed the chigger origin being the Rose's parking lot boxes.

I will try to keep you abreast on the moving. The big day I believe will be Monday. That way we can have our watermelon iced down for the 4th! Grandmother is failing so my parents are not coming??? Maybe my dad but as long as Betty needs a full-time sitter, Dennis will have to stay in Brunswick.

Will try to post again before the Clampett's move to the street over.

1 comment:

vikibozeman said...

Whoopee! I can't wait to see that truck a'comin down the street. What a gorgeous place you are going to! I will be thinking of your tired bodies as I swelter in the hot sun at
St. Simons! I can't wait to see the new palace! Luv