I wan an American Girl Doll. And I want clothes for my American Girl Doll. And a real live rabbit. And books with CDs.
Love, Lillee Grace Key
as a teacher, this is what I've always dreamed of - a phonetically correct list for Santa in some kiddie handwriting - I love it.
I love it almost as much as my most blissful few minutes that occured today. We had just gotten home from picking up Baxter. He was in the den watching Polar Express. Ben was on the dining room table sleeping soundly in his carseat. I was decorating the Christmas tree right beside him. Decorating I mean I was putting the really pretty glass ornaments up top and preparing the other ornaments for kids to put up. I had some Christmas music playing and was standing in the big window with the colored lights twinkling when what did my wondering eyes did appear but the Big Brown Truck and an angel with a package. We exchanged waves at each other and I went back to decorating. It was just like a movie. My days at home have been fulfilled! I can go back to teaching. I've had my Hallmark movie moment.
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