September 8, 2010

Ben is 1!

We cannot believe this little guy is 1! He still seems so much like a baby.
Weight: probably close to 28 lbs! wow!
Teeth: 2 bottom, 4 top
Words: "uh oh" sometimes, "mama"
Walking: mostly on knees, every now and then a few steps when no one is looking
Waves bye bye and the newest thing is giving kisses
Naps: about an hour in the morning, hour in the evening - NO SLEEPING away from home
Loves: balls, siblings, birds
Gifts for 1st birthday: vanilla cupcake and balloon from Kroger

He still does quite a bit of "whining" and pointing that he wants something but just cannot get quite happy! He is a sweet baby and for some reason the others seemed to be older, more mature. I guess the 3rd one is "the baby."
Just one year ago he looked like this
taken at about 6 hours old!

4 months New Year's Eve
3 months old -The day we made our Christmas pics with Santa
2 month pic - Brasstown Valley


Sarah said...

Hi Neighbor! he just gets cuter and cuter! Happy Birthday to Ben!

Sarah said...

Happy Birthday to Ben! I can't believe how fast one year has gone by!

Amy and Matt Certain said...

The year has flown by! Happy birthday bennie boy!