April 25, 2011

A New Ben

We had to wake up our sweet angel at 5:15 a.m. to get to the hospital by 6:00 for his tubes. We were not as nervous as we were with Baxter but it was still unsettling to know your baby is going to be under anesthesia. We had to wait 2 hours with him before he was taken back. I can't even begin to describe the circus acts we performed to keep him entertained and his mind off drinking something. After they took him back the doctor was out talking to us within 8 mins. and said he did great. It was so sad when they rolled him back in. He was holding a styrofoam cup with apple juice. Bless his heart. He was so groggy and went right back to sleep when we got in the car. That's what he's been doing all day. Wow - we've watched two DVR'd Oprah's!!! This is so different than Baxter. Bax was starving as soon as we left and playing all day afterwards. They are definitely night and day boys. Here's hoping that we are ear infection free and a happier baby from now on. We are so blessed beyond measure to have 3 healthy children.
Thank you to our dear pediatrician for the beautiful roses. They've certainly brightened my day and Ben says they smell delicious! And many thanks to our sweet neighbor, Marianna for spending the night with us so that Lillee and Bax wouldn't have to wake up so early. We really appreciate you handling their morning rush and getting them to school.

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