November 3, 2011

Halloween 2011

Someone said this past week that Halloween had turned into a season and not just one day! I couldn't agree more. Halloween parties, treat bags to make, church trunk or treats, festivals and then the actual night! More fun for the kiddos! Lillee has had her costume for a while. It was a hand me down from Mary Kate across the street. However, she went with a friend to the costume store and found these awesome go go boots! Wow! Baxter wanted to be Darth Vader. I tried to find a hand me down of one of those but couldn't and by the time I made it to Wal Mart they were all sold out. Oops. A clone trooper with wings on the butt that he called a dress it was! Good thing he isn't that picky. Then we realized we had nothing for Ben. We pulled out the Spiderman costume that Baxter wore 4 years ago and he was happy as a lark. He didn't know that I had sewn it up twice because Bax had worn it so much.
We went on our 3rd annual hayride. So much fun with good friends.
This policeman had my vote for best costume! Too cute. We couldn't convince him to wear his mustache. The parrot next to him was an original costume his mother made. Too cute for words. He had already won a contest somewhere else. Awesome!

His favorite treat of the night. He didn't come home with many treats in his bucket. As soon as he got a treat he would gobble it up as soon as he got back on the trailer.
Fred Flinstone himself!

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