January 7, 2007

A Cardiologist's Dream

Here's our supper from tonight. There was homemade mac n cheese (with three cheeses and egg...I opted to use milk instead of heavy cream...we're trying to be health conscious here, give me a break). Sweet potatoes consisted of brown sugar and marshmellows (those were put on by Lillee Grace so there could be some toilet paper swirling around in the orange root vegetable souffle due to the fact that there's always some tp left with her new wiping process. Then there's the butter with a side of green beans and Scott's smoked butt. He kept talking about some type of smoke rings all night but I never really asked him about it. As you'll see, that really irritates him because he LOVES for you to ask him questions about something he's done. But then again, who doesn't. So as my health conscious family sat down to our Country Sunday Supper with beer and sweet tea at our little table from IKEA there was another family somewhere pulling their chairs up to their granite countertops to feast on grilled fish and broccoli while sipping on red wine. They would be our future cardiologists.


Amy and Matt Certain said...

Yummers. I want some mac & Cheese. Keep eating it, LGK!

Sarah said...

Wow!!!! I think you were a writer in your former life. It's so nice to see other normal families......granite counter tops can wait baby!!!!!!