January 26, 2007

A Night of Filing & Picture Walks

Not much to report. I have heard more feedback in the past few days so knowing that others are actually reading what I'm typing gives me a will to go on living (okay, and blogging.) Scott co-oped at the school this a.m. He said when he arrived, Mrs. Nancy had to get the kids from the carpool line so he stayed in the room with the others. He told about how it was a scene out of Kindergarten Cop and he had ten little eyes just staring at him. Mr. Mom said he looked at them and said, "It's not a tuma." Overall it went well. I think LG was well behaved which isn't a regular occurrence when her parents are in attendance. This afternoon was pretty uneventful. LG wore yet another trailer dress (Bethany's old dance costume) to Bo's house this afternoon. Both kids have snot dripping so we could be in for an all-nighter. My illness must have spread.
Since Scott has taken over the the bills, they seem to keep growing in the canvas bin I recommended he put them in to prepare for filing. Well, I just finished filing comcast bills from August '06. He did give a word of appreciation for the paper cuts on my fingers since that was a job he "really detested." While I've been filing, we've been fiddling with my iTunes as well. Scott was a little puzzled as to why I have Pussycat Dolls "Buttons" along with Amazing Grace. Seems like an odd combo. I enjoy a little variety in my life!
Since this is somewhat of a dull post, I am sending a link to Amy's blog. She has a great Top 10 List! Makes me want to visit Flynt River tomorrow. I'm on to my usual Friday night activity. When the USPS is on top of things, I receive my People magazine on Friday afternoon. The driver really does get the evil eye if I see a pile of white envelopes and nothing else. When all is calm and at rest, I position myself under a lamp in the den and do a picture walk in my gossip and entertainment journal. One of the most effective methods in teaching reading is to first have your readers take a picture walk! So I did learn something from Armstrong Atlantic!!


Anonymous said...

Hey, this is Sarah, your friendly sales associate from The Gap. Just wanted to say hi and tell you that your blod is great- very entertaining! The next time you're at The Avenue, stop in and say hi!

Anonymous said...

ooops...guess i need to do spell check before i post a comment- obviously i meant blog and not blod! oh well- you'd never know my day job is as an english teacher!

Sarah said...

A picture walk through People magazine, there isn't a better way to spend a Friday night!!!!!!

Amy and Matt Certain said...

what is a picture walk for all of your non teacher friends? do tell....