Here is a picture of a usual afternoon strolling with the kids in the "big rig." Lillee Grace loves to call it that; better yet, she thinks it is great to tell passersby on the sidewalk that mom drives a big rig. Both kids love to walk around the neighborhood. Her favorite part is seeing the geese. She honks at them and then lowers her John Lennon glasses to get a good look. The rig has gotten a little difficult to push now that the load exceeds 50 lbs.
Supper was leftovers from last night's country meal (just as the AJC recommends). Scott phoned to say he was late coming home and not going to be able to attend the deacon's meeting so he was eating with us. Don't worry, there was still lots of religion in the Key home as he wrestled with LG after her bath. It went something like him hitting her in the forehead shouting, "Be healed my sister and let the demons come out. I am the great Oral Roberts!!!" Just as he was to begin speaking in tongue, the doorbell rang and
it was the youth minister's daughter. Scott's reaction should be on film ... priceless. As soon as we found her some diapers to use for our guest's science fair project, it was back to our usual "wind down," of watching Dora. Yes, Dora is used in our house at a crucial let's get Baxter down while you learn Spanish moment.
As if that's not enough, our realtor that wants to show our house tomorrow. I mean who wouldn't want to buy a house that has two men painting in the laundry room, a two year old watching Angelina Ballerina and dancing throughout the house only in her big girl panties, a baby crawling to point out every electrical outlet in the place and a dining room with golf clubs, rubbermaid containers and cleaning supplies on some stainless steel shelves. What a selling point - our dining room turns into a terrific makeshift utility room. Lovely. So tomorrow while I'm teaching our future leaders, my house will still be rolling!
1 comment:
I LOVE IT! Roll on, my child, roll on.
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